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Louise Gunther B Ed. MEd (Leadership & Admin), Grad Cert (Education Business Leadership), Grad Cert RE, Certificate Adolescent Counselling 

Louise Gunther has held the role of Executive Officer for the NEAA since 2016 following 30 years in Catholic Education including six years as Principal at Avila College, Melbourne. Prior to that Louise was Deputy Principal, Administration at Avila College (three years) and Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning Kilbreda College (three years). Louise is a past member of the NEAA Executive Committee (2014-2016.) She participated in the NEAA Pilgrimage in 2016, attended the NEAA staff conference in Perth (2011), Hobart (2013), Melbourne (2015) and Sydney (2017). She also served on the conference committees in 2015 and 2017 and hosted the NEAA student conference at Avila College in 2016.